200 Club

Well that was a quick year.  It's that time of year again for requesting your support to the club and Edinburgh AC 200 Club which I hope you will continue to support..

On behalfof Edinburgh Athletic Club we would like to thank you for your support of the

“200” Club throughout 2019. We managed our target of 200 numbers and after paying out £1400 in prize money, our contribution to Edinburgh Athletic Club is the excellent sum of £1000 and is much appreciated by the Club.

We wouldwelcome your continued support in 2020.  Thedraws take place at Training, Track or Cross Country Meetings by Club athletesand Officials throughout the year.

If you wish to give up your numbers let me know asap and I can offer them to others.

Thanks again for your support it is very much appreciated.
I do hope you will continue to support “Your Club”. 

Yvonne Jones


Combined Events and Masters Championships


Scottish Relay Championships