2014 Membership Subscription Renewal Now Due
Please note that membership subscription of Edinburgh Athletic Club runs from 1st January to 31st December each year. Therefore payment for the 2014 subscription year is due with effect from Sunday 1st January, 2014.
A Membership Renewal/Application Form and Application Guidance Notes can be downloaded HERE >>>> EAC 2014 Membership Application Form / Member Application 2014 Guidance Notes (Please read before completing Application Form)
The following methods only are now available to facilitate renewal and payment:-
- Online via your personal membership account powered by ‘Paysubsonline’. Simply log into your personal membership account >> HERE and follow the on-screen instructions. If you have not received notification of your personal account log-in details please contact the membership secretary
- By Cash or Cheque accompanied by a membership application form which is available from the link above.
- By completing Bank Standing Order Form or Direct BACS Transfer. Form and bank details found >> HERE
If you elect to pay by cash please hand it and the membership application form to your coach who will arrange for it to be handed to the Membership Secretary. If paying by Bank Standing Order or BACS transfer, please ensure you include all relevant information and your EAC Membership No in the reference section. This can be found in your personal online membership account.
Attention is drawn to paragraph 3 of the’ Guidance Notes’ which relates to policy in respect of late payment of the subscription fees after 31st March 2014.
Also the AGM decision that continued non payment of membership renewal subscriptions beyond 30th June, 2014, will lead to those concerned being to be advised in writing that their membership of the club will be terminated. if the situation continues.
Please note that annual membership renewal will not be automatic and subject to the approval of executive committee. Edinburgh Athletic Club is an active competing club. We expect athletes to compete in competitions appropriate to their events and abilities and when selected to represent the club in any team event. Failure to do so may impact on your membership renewal application.
Brian Nisbet Membership Secretarybrinisbet@blueyonder.co.ukEdinburgh Athletic Club, registered charity, No SC041013