Re-Arranged UKA Level 1 Official's Course @ Meadowbank

Are you interested is becoming a Field / Track / Start Team Official?A previously arranged training course for those interested in finding out a bit more about what’s all involved with officiating at athletic matches, was unfortunately cancelled due a combination of circumstances, not the least of which was the horrendous weather.The course has now been re-arranged for Thursday 24th February, 2011, between 6-9pm at Meadowbank.The training will be conducted by experienced Scottish Athletics tutors and will comply with the UKA ‘Level 1 Official ‘ criteria. This is a basic ‘hands on’ introduction to judging field events, time keeping and other track related duties, including administration roles, and start team duties.  There will be no cost to participants who are associated with Edinburgh Athletic Club e.g. the parent(s) of a current member athlete.Our club executive encourage parent’s and others associated with EAC to take this opportunity to get a ‘feel’ for what being a club official  / helper  is all about. You never know you might actually enjoy it!If you are interested in participating please advise me by E-Mail asap..  If you have any questions or are wishing further information please contact me.Brian Nisbet'Membership Secretary'Edinburgh Athletic ClubE-Mail:-


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