Age Group Changes
TRACK & FIELD AGE GROUP PILOT - SUMMER 2011(from Scottish Athletics)The Track and Field Commission is delighted to confirm the Age Group changes that are to be implemented from 1st April 2011 in Scottish Track and Field Championships. This will be operated as a pilot and sees the age-groups move in line with those used by the IAAF (U14*/U16*/U18/U20), and with it a change in cut off date to the 31st December.* The IAAF recognise age groups at U18 (Youth) and U20 (Junior) – the U16 and U14 categories are simply an extension of that principle. The Commission discussed this pilot programme at its recent meeting, and addressed some of implications of such a change. There is further detail and comment by both Frank Dick (Chairman scottishathletics) and Laurier Primeau (Head Coach) in the latest PB magazine - December 2010 . UK Athletics have confirmed their support for this pilot age group change, and scottishathletics will be reporting back to UK Athletics (Competition Review Group and Rules Revisions Group) at the end of the summer 2011 season after evaluation of the pilot programme.All National (Scottish) events will run using these new age groups during summer 2011, and scottishathletics encourages leagues and other competitions within Scotland to consider following this lead and supporting the pilot. There has been much discussion regarding the implications on specific events and the following bullet points outline those changes. They are not many, and the impact should be limited.The changes are:Hurdles and steeplechase:· U18 (rather than U17) Men, sprint hurdles is 110m rather than 100m (hurdle height unchanged at 91.4cm)· U18 (rather than U17) Women, 400m hurdles rather than 300m hurdles. Hurdle height unaltered (at 76.2cm)· U18 (rather than U17) Women, 100m hurdles rather than 80m. Hurdle height unaltered at 76.2cm.· U18 (rather than U17) Men steeplechase, distance increases to 2000m (from 1500m).· U18 (rather than U17) Women’s steeplechase, distance increases to 2000m (from 1500m). There are no alterations in moving from U15 to U16 in Hurdles / Steeplechase. Throwing events:· There are no changes in implement weight with the changes from U15/U17 to U16/U18 – the weights are the same for Men and Women across Shot, Hammer, Discus and Javelin (i.e. U15 and U16 the same; U17 and U18 the same).With regards to hurdle heights and implement weights for U14 age-groups, there will be further guidance published on this is due course, as this is being carefully considered and assessed (there being no IAAF standards). Scottishathletics will shortly be adding to their website, an age-group calculator, which will enable athletes, coaches, parents to enter date of birth, and be advised immediately which age group an athlete will compete at during 2011. This is being provided to ensure absolute clarity and ease the change process. For clarity at this point however, the following dates apply to various age groups: Age groups for our Indoor competitions during 2011 are:-Under 13’s – Born between 1/9/98 and 31/8/00Under 15’s – Born between 1/9/96 and 31/8/98Under 17’s – Born between 1/9/94 and 31/8/96Under 20’s – Born between 1/1/92 and 31/8/94Age Groups for our Outdoor (Summer 2011) competitions (i.e. after 1st April 2011) are:-Under 14's - Born between 1/1/98 and 31/12/99Under 16's - Born between 1/1/96 and 31/12/97Under 18's - Born between 1/1/94 and 31/12/95Under 20's - Born between 1/1/92 and 31/12/93At this point, there is no impact or change for age groups in Hill Running, Cross Country, or Road Running.If you have any further questions, please email Leslie Roy (T&F Convenor) on: or Ross Cunningham (Events Manager)