Please note that membership subscription of Edinburgh Athletic Club runs from 1st January to 31st December each year. Therefore payment for the 2011 subscription year is due with effect from Saturday 1st January, 2011.It was hoped that we would be able to offer online payment but unfortunately this is not quite ready to go live. A Membership Renewal/Application Form and Application Guidance Notes can be downloaded HERE >>>> EAC 2011 Membership Application Form, Member Application 2011 Guidance NotesThe following three methods are available to facilitate payment:-
- Cheque / Money Order and a completed application form for each member to be posted to the membership secretary.
- Cash and a completed application form to be forwarded to the membership secretary by hand (No cash via the post)
- Completed ‘Standing Order’ instructions for the whole of the annual fee and application form to be forward to the membership secretary. (A Copy can be downloaded from the club website here >>>EAC Bank Standing Order You must include the relevant EAC Membership No(s) in the reference section. The membership secretary will liaise with the club treasurer to confirm your subscription payment.
Attention is drawn to paragraph 3 of the’ Guidance Notes’ which relates to policy in respect of late payment of the subscription fees.A Happy New Year to allBrian NisbetMembership