Are You Intersted in Becoming an Official?

Edinburgh Athletic Club has just completed another very successful Track & Field season with our Junior Athlete teams achieving their best ever league results.But did you know that at every league match our club is required to provide a minimum number of officials / helpers?  Indeed if we fail to make our quota of officials we are deducted match points.We are fortunate to currently have a very dedicated and supportive pool of officials / helpers who by dint of attending almost every single match ensure our teams are given the best opportunity to succeed. The club would like to expand the pool and is currently seeking to arrange local training sessions at Meadowbank over the winter period.The training will be conducted by experienced Scottish Athletics tutors and will comply with the UKA ‘Level 1 Official ‘ criteria. This is a basic ‘hands on’ introduction to judging field events, time keeping and other track related duties, including administration roles, and start team duties.  There will be no cost to participants who are associated with Edinburgh Athletic Club e.g. the parent(s) of a current member athlete.Our club executive encourage parent’s and others associated with EAC to take this opportunity to get a ‘feel’ for what being a club official  / helper  is all about. You never know you might actually enjoy it!If you are interested in participating please complete the attached Reply Form which is self-explanatory. This will allow us to gauge demand and to best facilitate sessions which meet the requirements of those wishing to participate.If you have any questions or wishing further information please contact me.Brian NisbetMembership SecretaryOfficals Interest Info


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