Bert Farmer Memorial Christmas paarlauf 2019

photo Tessa Bell

photo Tessa Bell

The baton ran 6 miles, each athlete did 6@ 880 yards!

Thank you all for turning out. Great effort from you all again. Happy Holidays
My thanks to Saint Nicholas for managing changeover and drawing the teams.

Chris Creegan for recording positions and times.
Tessa Bell for photaes and Sainsbury's for the chocolate

Winners keep trophy :“ THE BERT FARMER MEMORIAL “ for a year.

Flo Tornay and Iain Craven 31.33
Kev Hamilton and Iain McDonald 31.50
John Lenehan and Mhairi Ferguson 33.59
Pete Simpson and Elaine Eadie 34.04
Karen Dobbie and Stuart Johnston 34.49
Niki Gibson and Nairn McWilliams 34.59
Mairi Clancy and Jose Leon 35.45
John Morris and Leanne Calder 35.50
Danny Gordon and Pete Slolls 35.57
Karl Vezely and Tom Leeman 35.59
Wendy Malkin and Luca Mirras 37.27
Tessa bell and Hannah Waugh 37.43
Lucy Marshall and Jocyln Moar 38.05

Holiday training sessions on our endurance facebook, Coached sessions start on Tuesday 7th January 2020 all welcome.

Happy holidays and may your god go with you. Keep on running chums

Alex McEwan


Trustees Annual Report & Financial Statement 2019


Junior Awards