Bett Gaunt

It is with deep regret that we sadly have to announce that Bett passed away recently at the ripe old age of 90. Bett was an extremely efficient, hard working administrator with Edinburgh Southern Harriers Ladies Section for over 30 years. She became involved with the club after her daughter Roslyn joined in the mid seventies.I have record books with every member’s results from 1985 to 2001. These were kept by Bett and her husband Eric who sadly died in 2001. The writing and figures are immaculate. The pair of them also worked out the Thistle Awards for the club, a mammoth task in itself.Bett also did the scoring for the Club Championships – no computers in these days! I remember having to close off the control room at Meadowbank and demand silence while Bett did the final totals.She was also membership secretary for a number of years and woe and betides any girl who did not pay her sub – you think Brian Nisbet is tough? He’s a pussy cat!!Apart from all this admin work Bett also helped to coach the youngsters and helped at cross country events. I think they threw away the mould after Bett.Bett retired from active participation when we amalgamated in 2007 but retained her interest in the club.Her funeral will take place at Seafield Crematorium on Tuesday 16th at 1pmPat Sinclair


Under 15 boys win 4x100m relay


200 Club - Draw Results 2016