British and Irish Masters XC

Scotland teams were in action at the annual  British and Irish Masters XC event in Derry,  competing under the auspices of the Scottish Veteran Harriers Club.Edinburgh AC athletes Leon Johnson and Susan Ridley were competing with the Scottish Teams.V40: Ian Reid 6thLeon Johnson 9th, Scotland 3rd;V50: Susan Ridley 3rd, Scotland 3rd;A report on the race from Leon JohnsonThe whole thing was a great experience, extremely well organised and the dinner/reception was very enjoyable.Standard was pretty high with some very impressive individuals at various age groups. England and Ireland tended to dominate the races.'m happy with my effort, I really wanted to enjoy the experience, run steady and not struggle/feel bad in the last bit. Started passing quite a few in the last 3Km although got out kicked in the last 150m which was a tiny bit annoying as the Irish guy was a V40.I was the 4th Scottish runner to cross the line in our race: Iain Reid (V40), Jozsef Farkas (V35), Scott Brember (V45) and then me - the Scottish Athletics summary mentions Bobby Quinn as V45 but they've made a mistake as he's actually a V50.We (V40s) got a team bronze which I'm delighted about, it weighs an absolute tonne!Leon


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