British Athletic League

Edinburgh AC  -   British LeagueEdinburgh AC is attempting to qualify for the British League.This is a UK wide league for senior men (under 20s are also eligible). The BAL has 5 divisions with 2 clubs demoted and 2 qualifying each year. The bottom division (National 4) has 6 teams – other divisions have 8 teams. There are 4 matches each summer.In 2011 the only competition would be the qualifying match  - Abingdon (near Oxford) on 17 September.To take part in the qualifying match we must enter a paper team by early August. The paper team is made up of eligible athletes with their best performances in Scottish League or Junior League. The top 8 teams in the paper match are then invited to take part in the qualifying match.If we qualify for BAL this will give athletes another tier of competition above Scottish level, encouraging athletes to stay in the sport – particularly after U20 age group when they may have experienced competition in the NJALWe need to know whether athletes want to take part in competition at this level. The club is strong enough to take part but it needs a level of commitment from the athletes to make it sustainable.Firstly we need to know if athletes will be available for the qualifying match in Abingdon on 17 September. This will probably require travel on Friday 16th and at least one overnight stay.So please don’t say you’re available and then nearer the time say:“ I will be away on holiday…”“ I can’t get off work…”“ I will be going to university then…”“ I’ve finished for the season…”Plan ahead now so that we know if we have a realistic chance of putting a team together. Late call offs are not fair on other athletes, team management, club finances and the club’s image.Then if we qualify we need athletes to make themselves available for the following seasons. There are 4 matches usually spread from June to August. The matches are normally on a Saturday and could be anywhere in the UK – travel on a Friday is very likely. Fixture dates are known well in advance (by about November) which should allow you to plan your season and holidays.For more information please contact Keith Ridley


Club Records


UKWAL Match 1, Leigh Sports Village-Manchester, Saturday 4th June 2011