Brooks EAC Paarlauf
BROOKS EAC PAARLAUF TRACK 10K MEADOWBANK 15/12/2015On a wintry night , EAC held their fancy dress paarlauf/dreilauf .Prizes for all from BROOKS , Hot orange and shortbread from Yvonne and Gail.Recording by Argy, Neil, Max, Matt , Colin , Steve, Charlotte and Eric.A Good Effort by all.Seasonal thanks . Happy holidays.Alex McEwanDreilaufBlackie,Despinoy , Hare M 31.49Walker McGregor Gilhirst F 32.18Strathdee Carcas Philipps F 33.08Morrow Gilhurst Montgomery F 33.16Friend Leary Thomson M 33.35Simpson Anderson Jamieson M 34.00Moffat Glass Oneill F 34.25Paarlauf Seniors Juniors and vetsArthur Carcas JM 28.28Ireland Gumdry JM 30.44Kennedy Hamiliton M 31.15Fallas Creegan M 32.08Mowbray Zambougla M 32.28Craven Hamilton M 32.33Simpson Latham M 32.46Parry Lee M 33.05Stoddart Ferguson F 33.21Shield Alum F 33.33Jones Bonser M/ F 33.35Murdoch Roy M 33.45Waugh Dobbie F 36.10Webster Dempsey F 37.23