Can you Think and Run

Following the Nationals if you ran - or if you didn’t - in this year of the World Orienteering Championships coming to Scotland (what do you mean, you didn’t know about that?), how about doing something a little differentMax Carcas has organised a come and try it orienteering day, some clever running to refresh your endurance genes…Can you think and run?Event: Orienteering at Gullane Dunes, Scottish Orienteering League event 1, 2015When: Sunday 8th March 2015, starts from 10.30 - 12.30amDetails: ; online at: www.oentries.comAlso entry on the day (subject to map availability) Courses:Difficulty              Course  Length (km)       Climb (m)            ControlsHardest                Black      11.7        270         36Hardest                Brown   10.7        225         30Hardest                Short Brown       8.8          190         23Hardest                Blue       6.6          170         21Hardest                Short Blue           5.9          150         17Hardest                Green   4.8          155         18Hardest                Short Green       3.9          120         15Harder  Light Green        3.9          120         17Medium               Orange 3.1          80           14Less easy             Yellow   2.8          70           19Easy       White    1.6          40           13However don’t think of the distances like XC distances - it is a race and the idea is to get round the fastest time possible - however ‘good’ in orienteering terms might be 10min/km…  this is because lengths are ‘as the crow flies’ and you might end up doing quite a bit more, especially if you can’t find the control… There are age classes for each course for scoring but you can do any one you want (or more than one if you want to try an easy one first).   Generally for men the age guide is M21 - Black, M35/40 - Brown, M45/50 - Short Brown, M55/60 - Blue, M65 - Short Blue etc.  However if you’ve never done orienteering before these may be a bit ambitious, I’d recommend Green or maybe even Yellow or Orange as a 'taster'.  Normally competitors run in leggings rather than shorts (because of undergrowth).  You should bring a compass (Silva type), mostly so that you can make sure you orientate the map to match what’s on the ground.  An electronic  ‘dibber’ is needed to punch controls and record splits but this can be hired at the event.  If you’re interested drop me a line or give me a call on 0131 446 0780 if you want advice - you can enter on the day (subject to map availability) or in advance online (best).  Starts are staggered individually so you run against the clock.You never know, you might find a new passion to go with your running!Max Carcas  


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