Championship Entries

Scottish National Senior Championships – Scotstoun 2nd & 3rd JuneEntries for the Scottish Senior track & field championships close on Friday 18 May (post or telephone) or Sunday 20 May for online entries.Details on Schools Championships – 8th & 9th June – GrangemouthEntries for the Scottish Schools Championships close on Friday 18th May – entries can only be made by the school, individuals cannot enter themselves.Please check with your school that they have entered you (in the correct events)Edinburgh Secondary Schools Championships – 6th June, MeadowbankEntries for the Edinburgh Schools Championships close on Friday 1st June. Again entries can only be made by the school. All schools have been sent entry details but if there is any problem they should contact Jane Scott (Athletics Development Officer) on 0131 458 2177.


Age Groups


UK School Games – Olympic Stadium