Closing Date for BoS Age Group Championships

  All U15 and U17 athletes should consider entering these championships Athletes, parents and coaches are reminded that the closing date for the Bank of Scotland U17 Championships which take place on the 14th and 15th August at Scotstoun Stadium will close this Friday 30th July.  Closing date for online entry only SUNDAY 1 AUGUST. (You need to have registered for this)Please note, online entry is the preferred admittance method but competitors can also enter events by mailing in a completed Scottish Outdoor National Championships entry form, this form should be completed and sent to:scottishathleticsCaledonia House South GyleEdinburghEH12 9DQIf for any reason you experience problems entering online or if you have any questions please contact scottishathletics Events Manager Ross Cunningham at or to enter call 0131 539 7320 Events details on


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Kris Akabusi - Talk at Meadowbank