Club Raffle 2015

The Annual CLUB RAFFLE   Your club needs youst December to ….?   Tickets - £10.00(max 100 tickets to be sold once they are gone they are gone             Great Prizes to be wonObtain your tickets from Yvonne Jones ( 07746457315)

*********************************************************   Apple I pad Air   Donated by Arrundale Consulting Ltd***************************************** Overnight stay for 2 with Breakfast at Dakota Eurocentral, Glasgow(Dinner will be thrown in if you pay for what you drink) Donated by the Robertson’s*******************************************************£20 gift card from Nandos Donated by the Gilchrist’s*********************************************************£20 gift care for Sports*********************************************************Free 30 min Sport’s Injury treatment Donated by Toby Harris Podiatry*********************************************************Free 30 min Sport’s Injury treatment Donated by Toby Harris Podiatry  *********************************************************Free 30 min Sport’s Injury treatment Donated by Toby Harris Podiatry*********************************************************Hand painted framed picture of Edinburgh Donated by the Leary’s *********************************************************Usain Bolt picture (Signed Authentic framed picture) Donated by John Glen********************************Bottle of Whisky Donated by the Ridley’s ********************************

And a few more surprises!

 Remember Need to sell 100 tickets in order for the raffle to be drawn    


Bag Packing


Scotland Selections