Club Recieves Podium Award
At the Young Athletes Award Evening, Scottish Athletics Jamie McDonald presented the Club with the Podium Award.Thanks go to Pat Sinclair and Moira Maguire and the others on the committee in putting in all the work to enable the club to achieve the award. The key objective of the Podium Award club is to focus on growth, retention and the athlete pathway. It is also to ensure that members are encouraged to stay with the club and continue to train and compete at their chosen level or volunteering in whatever capacity they choose, whilst developing a sense of community. These clubs will have a multi-discipline approach and be accessible and inclusive for all members of the community.The Podium Award club should demonstrate a formal link to local primary and secondary schools, providing school pupils an opportunity to train or compete at an appropriate level. The Podium Club should also provide club volunteers with structured support in terms of training, mentoring and guidance.The club should seek to support talented athletes in an appropriate pathway both within the club and also at regional and national level, ensuring that all athletes have the best opportunity available to fulfil their potential.