Dawn To Dusk Relay Challenge
An EAC challenge...
A Dawn to Dusk BYOB (bring your ownbatton) Relay, wearing club vests and everyone running 30 minutes (at any pace you wish) on the 20th June, thelongest day of the year.
The relay started at 5am and everyonewas allocated a 30 minute slot keeping the relay going until 9.30pm. It was suggested that a £1 donation permile was made to Scran Academy, a local covid charity
Here is the link for donations again (name check EAC) http://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/scranmeals. Thanks again for supporting this.
You can see the whole video put together by Hannah Waugh at https://edinburghac.org.uk/dawntoduskrelay
Emma Laverie