EAC Annual General Meeting - Monday 26th November 2012

EDINBURGH ATHLETIC CLUB - AGM NoticeDate:      Monday 26th  November 2012Venue:  Meadowbank.Time:     7.30pm (papers for review prior to the meeting will be available from 7pm)WHO CAN ATTEND?Fully paid-up members 17 years of age and over as at the Annual General Meeting shall be entitled to vote in the affairs of the Club and to hold Office.REQUIREMENTS:Twenty fully paid-up members, who are eligible to vote, shall form a quorum at any General Meeting.PURPOSE:a) Receive and consider the Secretary's report.b) Receive and consider the respective Commissions' reports.c) Receive and consider the Annual Financial Statement and Auditor's report.d) Elect the Executive Committee.e) Appoint independent examiner from outwith the Executive Committee and Commissions to audit the books of the Club.f)  Review the classes of membership and the respective annual subscription fees to be paid during the ensuing year.g) Review the payment of Honoraria recommended by the Executive and vote approval if thought appropriate.h) Consider any competent proposals, which must have been lodged in writing with the Secretary before the meeting.i) Consider at the Chairman's discretion, any other competent business.ELECTION OF OFFICE BEARERS:

  • All members of the Executive Committee have put themselves forward for re-election.
  • Vacancy for a MALE  WELFARE OFFICER (we already have a female)

Anyone wishing to put themselves forward please submit names to the secretary before the meeting.  The appointed person will need a PVG certificate and will be required to go on two 3 hour courses. More information can be obtained from the secretary Pat Sinclair pagesin@blueyounder.co.uk

  • Honorary President: position vacant

AMENDMENT TO CONSTITUTION:Change 6.1 The Annual General Meeting of the Club shall normally be held in March each year to The Annual General Meeting of the Club shall normally be held in November each yearExecutive Committee:Honorary President:President:                                 Barry CraigheadVice-President:                     Moira MaguireSecretary:                                 Pat SinclairTreasurer:                                Ian CunninghamWelfare officer:                       Marjory Cook (female rep) To be appointed (male rep)Membership Secretary:      Brian NisbetParents Committee Chairperson: Yvonne JonesCo-opted / Commission members:Track Conveners:                    Bill WalkerEndurance Convener:              Alex McEwanYouth Convener:                     Yvonne JonesAthlete Representatives:          Martin Ferguson & Susan McKelvieUnder 17 and Senior Women:    Bill WalkerTeam Management:                 Anne ScottYAL Convener:                       Enid JohnstoneMinute Secretary:                     Moira NisbetTrustees:Bill WalkerPat SinclairIan CunninghamBarry CraigheadMoira Maguire AGENDA1.   Apologies2.  Presidents Remarks and welcome3.    Matters arising from AGM minutes 2011 and approval4.    Receive and consider the Secretary's report.5.   Receive and consider the respective Commissions' reports – all reports online6.   Receive and consider the Annual Financial Statement and Independent Examiner’s report7.   Appoint Independent Examiner from out with the Executive Committee and Commissions to examine the books of the Club.8.    Review the classes of membership and the respective annual subscription fees to be paid during 2012.9.    Elect the Executive Committee & Commissions – all members have intimated their intention to stand for another year.The following Club vacancies require to be filled

  • Elect Male Welfare officer
  • Communications Co-ordinator
  • Junior Leader

10.   Consider any competent proposals –11.    Consider at the Chairman’s discretion, any other competent business. 


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