EAC 200 Club

IMPORTANT NOTICE TO:  MEMBERS, COACHES, OFFICIALS, PARENTS, HELPERS AND FRIENDS OF EDINBURGH ATHLETIC CLUB WHO ARE AGED 18 YEARS AND OVERFund raising is an essential part of the work actioned at Edinburgh Athletic Club to help subsidise costs for running events and travelling to events.One of the very many successful fund raising activities is our 200 club run by Marion Donachie.What is a 200 club?

  • 200 numbers
  • numbers are purchased (1 – 200) (£12 per number)
  • All 200 numbers go into a monthly draw.
  • A total of £1400 is allocated to prize money during the year and £1000 goes to the club annually – subject to having a full complement of numbers taken.

2011 winning numbers for January, February and March have not been drawn yet as there are 10 numbers available for purchase.Each number costs £12 for the year and if YOU are interested in purchasing a number or numbers you are invited to contact Marion Donachie.  Remember there are only 10 numbers left so these will be sold on a first come first serve basis – anyone wishing to purchase a number must be aged 18 yrs or over. Please contact Marion on:  0131 449 2786.  E-Mail:- donachie41@waitrose.com


Comic Relief


Edinburgh Leisure Performance Access Scheme