EAC Subscriptions 2014 - Explained

Club Treasurer, Ian Cunningham explaining the rational behind the 2014 subscription fees

Dear All,

As you will be aware Subscriptions for 2014 are now due. At our recent AGM, those present, discussed in detail the amount we should set for this years subs. In particular we looked at the possibility of having two elements to fund raising from this source, namely a part subscription and a part donation (the voluntary donation part would have been subject to gift aid with the potential to raise further funding for the Club). It was however felt on balance by the majority of the meeting that we should remain with the status quo in terms of how the subscription level should be determined.

In arriving at how much to levy for this year, cognisance was made as to the fact that all age groups within the Club should contribute an equal share to fund raising. Accordingly the members attending the meeting all agreed that the subscription should be £50 for an individual member and £80 for a family membership.

 In arriving at these figures it was noted from the 2013 Income and Expenditure statement presented to the AGM that:

Income from Subscriptions amounted to £15,300 and after deduction of affiliation & contest fees of £7,800, £7,500 was left for the general running expenses of the Club.

With a total expenditure of £49,800 incurred, we needed to raise further funding of £43,300 to meet total costs.

Unfortunately we fell short by some £3,700 in this regard and accordingly our cash balances were depleted by this amount.

It is to be hope that the additional funds raised from Subscriptions this year will help minimise the potential for future shortfalls but we must keep in mind that the cost of participation in all levels of our sport are increasing - so forgive the pun but "we are having to run hard to stand still" - indeed we are in fact "running hard just to catch up".

Please watch this space for various initiatives to increase fund raising but meantime your support in the early collection of this years Subscriptions will be a great start.

Can I also take this opportunity to thank everyone in the Club for their efforts in keeping costs down and also for the magnificent efforts to raise funds. Even though we fell short I know that much effort was put into fund raising in 2013 and  I am sure we can rely on your help again for 2014.

Many thanksIan CunninghamVice President and Treasurer


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