East District Championships

Well done to all our medal winners at the East District Championships.Full Results at: East District ResultsPhotos by Steve Adam in our Gallery Page  GoldChristabel Antwi U15G: 100mHoward Bell U20M: Shot Putt, DiscusRosie E Browne U17W; Pole VaultJoe Ewing U17M: 1500mGillian Cook SW: Triple JumpLucy Davidson U17W: Shot Putt, Long JumpStacey Downie SW: 400mStephanie Fowler U20W: HammerCalum Henderson U20M: Long JumpAngus Hoffie U15B: 100m, 200mCalum Holmes U15B: Long JumpLachlan Gray U15B: Pole VaultKatie Johnson U13G: 800mMax Leslie U17M: 400mEllie McGinty SW: 100mCal McLennan U20M: High JumpCraig Mulins U20M: HammerEllie O’Hara U15G: Long Jump, Triple JumpMichael Olsen U20M: 100mEmma Solley U15G: DiscusCameron Tindle SM: 200mBevhan Trevis U20W: Shot PuttSilverElliot Arrmstrong U20M: Shot PuttZoe Bates U20W: 1500mHoward Bell U20M: 110mH, Pole VaultAlison Broadhurst SW: 800mCarolyn Cameron U20W: 800mGillian Cook SW: Long JumpFabian Despinoy U15B: 800mStacey Downie SW: 200mNiamh Edgar U15G: 300mRebecca Grieve U13G: 100mCalum Homes U15B: 100mIsla Innes U17W: 300mEmma Johnson U15G: 1500mSiobhan Kingham U20W: Triple JumpMartyna Kolan U17W: HammerMax Leslie U17M: 200mSarah Malone U20W: 200mCal McLennan U20M: DiscusCartiona Pennet SW: 100mHNatalie Robbins U20W: HammerCameron Sweeney U17M: HammerJessica Forrest U15G: HammerBevhan Trevis U20W: DiscusAnna Widdowson U13G: 200mBronzeElliot Armstrong U20M: DiscusJoe Arthur U20M: 1500mPeter Cameron SM: 800mPipa Carcas U15G: 1500mEva Clark U17W: HammerNiamh Edgar U15G: High JumpJessica Forest U15G: DiscusHolly Hixon U15G: 75mHTom Holligan SM: 100mImran Hossain U15B: JavelinHannah Little U15G: 800mCal McLennan U20M: Long JumpAmy Preiss U17G: JavelinLaura Robertson SW: 100mHAnna Swan U15G: Triple JumpEmma Solley U15G: Javelin, Shot PuttSean Steadman U17M: High JumpIsla Stewart U13G: High JumpEsther Watson U15G; Long JumpRuaridh Woodland –Broom U13B: 800m


Forth Valley League


Endurance results April 2017