East League XC Dundee
Great results from the East League Cross Country at Dundee,
photo Neil Renton -
Photo Neil Renton
Here are our top finishing teams
U11 Boys
7th Team, Murray Kirkhope 8th, Rory Log 11th,
U13 Boys
1st Team, Harry Mackay 4th, Tom Brydie 5th,Josh Daunt 7th
U15 Boys
6th Team, Dylan Daunt 6th, Laurence Ward 18th, Jamie Duncan 43rd
Senior Men
3rd Team, Iain Whittaker 18th, Callum Reid 20th, Myles Bax 21st, Mark MacDermott 24th,
Leon Johnson 31st, Iain MacDonald 34th
Masters Men
8th Team, Leon Johnson 4th, Dave Cross 31st, Dave Clements 32nd
U11 Girls
8th Team, Serena Lees 7th , Emily Daunt 14th , Katy McDonald
17th Team, Juno Taylor 36th
U15 -17 Girls
1st Team, Orlaith Shepherd 3rd, Katie Johnson (U17) 6th,
Jessica Taylor (U17) 8th
photo Patrick Fenn
Senior Women
1st Team, Janet Dunbar 7th, Elaine Eadie 10th, Hazel MacCormick 14th, Mhairi Ferguson 15th
Photo Patrick Fenn
Masters Women
2nd Team , Janet Dunbar, Hazel MacCormick , Julie Wilson
Combined female teams
Edinburgh AC 1st
Well done to all our athletes who competed.
Full Results can be viewed here. http://www.salroadrunningandcrosscountrymedalists.co.uk/Archive/East%20District%20League/Template%20Files/Results/2020s/EDL%202021-2.html