Edinburgh AC Virtual 5K
EAC Grand Prix Race 6: 5k Part II - Final Results& Race Report
Thursday July 9th 2020: Cramond Beach
After 3 months of hard "virtual" racingthe scene was set for the climax of the EAC Virtual Grand Prix series.
In the red corner we had Neil
'Club Champion' Renault and in the blue corner came forward the underdog
Stuart 'Disco" Johnston.
After 5 races a mere two points separated our two EAC heroes and with all to play for, both got ready to put it all on the line for the coveted title of EAC Virtual GP Champion 2020.
The gun went off, blow after blow was traded and each athlete found themselves neck and neck after hitting the 3k point. What drama would unfold over the final stretch?
In amongst the pavement pounding a third set of legs were hitting the ground - previous club champ Leon 'Not on Facebook" Johnson had rocked up to prove a point, blasting past his rivals to cross the line in 15:39 to net an incredible pb.
With the race for the title still on Stuart edged in front to come home in 15:46, leaving Neil to settle for third place in 15:53.
Could it be enough to snatch the title? Alas no, despite fantastic runs from Sam MacNeil (16.26) and Robin Kyle(16.33)
Stuart fell short by a single point and had to settle for second place.
Spirits still high his first thoughts were to congratulate the victor - and I'm sure everyone from EAC will join me in passing on a big congrats to Neil for all his efforts over the series.
Goings on Elsewhere
As his been the case throughout the series it's not just about the guys at the top and it was great to see another 55 entrants for the last race of the campaign.
Lots of improvements since the last 5k in the series and a few personal bests which were great to see - as was every other time, and hopefully all have enjoyed each race they've taken part in along with the fitness and social benefits the series has given.
At the top of the other leaderboards another solid run from Chloe Cox
saw her edge out Lyndsey Fraser for the female title.
Yet another pb for Robin Kyle putting the icing on the cake to net the handicap win - courtesy of a pb in just about every event on the roster.
Final Words
Believe it or not I'm going to miss updating the spreadsheets every couple of weeks - has been great interacting with everyone and being able to provide something to keep people motivated is just an added bonus for me.
With no official races on the horizon anytime soon we may not have seen an end to the virtual racing season just yet so watch this space.
In the meantime, be happy, stay healthy, put on a smile and keep on running.
Peter Simpson