Edinburgh Athletic Club AGM - Monday 24th November, 2014
Date: Monday 24th November 2014
Venue: Meadowbank.
Time: 7.30pm (papers for review prior to the
meeting will be available from 7pm)
WHO CAN ATTEND?Fully paid-up members 17 years of age and over as at the Annual General Meeting shall be entitled to vote in the affairs of the Club and to hold Office.REQUIREMENTS:Twenty fully paid-up members, who are eligible to vote, shall form a quorum at any General Meeting.PURPOSE:
- Receive and consider the Secretary's report.
- Receive and consider the respective Commissions’ reports.
- Receive and consider the Annual Financial Statement and Independent Examiners report.
- Elect the Executive Committee, co-opted members and Trustees. It is proposed to increase the number of elected Trustees.
- Appoint independent examiner from out-with the Executive Committee and Commissions to examine the books of the Club.
- Review the classes of membership and the respective annual subscription fees to be paid during the ensuing year.
- Review the payment of Honoraria recommended by the Executive and vote approval if thought appropriate.
- Consider any competent proposals, which must have been lodged in writing with the Secretary before the meeting.
- Consider at the Chairman's discretion, any other competent business.
- A proposal has been received to offer lifetime membership to athletes who compete at the Olympic or Commonwealth Games. If the proposal goes ahead an amendment to the constitution will be required as noted in the underlined below.
- Amendment to the constitution and rules of Edinburgh Athletic Club (version 5):
6.4. The Annual General Meeting shall have power to appoint as an Honorary Life Member any member whose special services to the Club (including competing at the Olympics and Commonwealth Games) have, in the opinion of the Meeting, qualified the member for such a position and any such Honorary Life Member so appointed shall be exempt from payment of the annual subscription. Honorary life Members shall be eligible for appointment to any office and have all the rights of a fully paid member. The election of Life Members will be made, if approved, only on the recommendations of the Executive Committee to whom nominations must be made in writing not less than one month before the date of the AGM.ELECTION OF OFFICE BEARERS:
- Most members of the Executive Committee have put themselves forward for re-election, the following people wish to step down:
- Vice President – Ian Cunningham
- Treasurer – Ian Cunningham
Vacancies have arisen for:
- Vice President - Executive have put forward Yvonne Jones
- Treasurer – Executive have put forward Graeme Dunn
- Trustees - Executive have proposed Graeme Dunn, Yvonne Jones and Alex McEwan
Anyone wishing to put their name forward for any of the above positions must do so in writing to the Secretary (Lynn Allan) 7 days in advance of AGM date in accordance with constitution:
- Nominations for election to the Executive Committee must be by members at the Annual General Meeting and only with the agreement of the nominee.
CURRENT EXECUTIVE, CO-OPTED MEMBERS AND TRUSTEES:Executive Committee:Honorary President: Barry CraigheadPresident: Moira MaguireVice-President: Ian CunninghamSecretary: Lynn AllanTreasurer: Ian CunninghamWelfare officer: Marjory CookMembership Secretary: Brian NisbetParents Committee Chairperson: Yvonne JonesCo-opted / Commission members:Track Convener:Endurance Convener: Alex McEwanYouth Convener: Yvonne JonesAthlete Representatives: Martin Ferguson & Susan McKelvieUnder 17 and Senior Women: Bob Moxey & Bill WalkerTeam Management: Anne ScottYAL Convener: Enid JohnstoneMinute Secretary: Moira NisbetTrustees:Bill WalkerPat SinclairIan Cunningham - resignedBarry CraigheadMoira Maguire