Edinburgh Athletic Club AGM - Monday 23rd November, 2015



Date:                     Monday 23rd  November 2015

Venue:                 Meadowbank.

Time:                   7.30pm (papers for review prior to the    

                             meeting will be available from 7pm)


Fully paid-up members 17 years of age and over as at the Annual General Meeting shall be entitled to vote in the affairs of the Club and to hold Office.

REQUIREMENTS:Twenty fully paid-up members, who are eligible to vote, shall form a quorum at any General Meeting.PURPOSE:

  • Receive and consider the Secretary's report.
  • Receive and consider the respective Commissions’ reports
  • Receive and consider the Annual Financial Statement and Independent Examiners report.
  • Elect the Executive Committee, co-opted members and Trustees. It is proposed to increase the number of elected Trustees.
  • Appoint independent examiner from out-with the Executive Committee and Commissions to examine the books of the Club.
  • Review the classes of membership and the respective annual subscription fees to be paid during the ensuing year.
  • Review the payment of Honoraria recommended by the Executive and vote approval if thought appropriate.
  • Consider any competent proposals, which must have been lodged in writing with the Secretary before the meeting.
  • Consider at the Chairman's discretion, any other competent business.
  • Amendment to the constitution and rules of Edinburgh Athletic Club (version 5):

A Proposal has been received to amend the constitution – please see attached proposal with full rationale.ELECTION OF OFFICE BEARERS:

  • All members of the Executive Committee have put themselves forward for re-election, however,

Anyone wishing to put their name forward for any of the positions below must do so in writing to the Secretary (Lynn Allan) 7 days in advance of AGM date in accordance with constitution:

  • Nominations for election to the Executive Committee must be by members at the Annual General Meeting and only with the agreement of the nominee.

CURRENT EXECUTIVE, CO-OPTED MEMBERS, SUB GROUPS AND TRUSTEES:Executive Committee:Honorary President:                             Barry CraigheadPresident:                                             Moira MaguireVice-President:                                     Yvonne JonesSecretary:                                             Lynn AllanTreasurer:                                            Graeme DunnWelfare officer:                                   Marjory Cook / Brian NisbetMembership Secretary:                      Brian NisbetParents Committee Chairperson:      Yvonne Jones Co-opted / Sub Groups:Track Convener:Endurance:                                          Alex McEwanAthlete Representatives:                    Martin Ferguson & Sarah WarnockUnder 17 and Senior Women:           Bob Moxey & Bill WalkerTeam Management:                          Anne ScottYDL League (lower):                           Enid JohnstoneMinute Secretary:                             Moira NisbetGeneral Member                               Neil Donachie Trustees:Bill WalkerPat SinclairGraeme DunnAlex MacEwenBarry CraigheadYvonne JonesMoira Maguire


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