Edinburgh/Meadowbank 400m Hurdle Session

Following on from UKA Head Coach for Hurdles, Malcolm Arnold’s visit last weekend; and the challenge laid down to coaches and athletes – to improve your training and commit to work hard to develop the Intermediate Hurdles… and INCREASE participation in the 400m Hurdle events…. I would like to propose a Sunday session OPEN to ANY athlete of ANY standard looking to work on the harder aspects of 400m Hurdles. (including those wishing to try before deciding on the event)        The session will include working outdoors (weather permitting), to develop stride patterns and improve athletes ability to run the 400m Hurdles to the best of their ability.* Athletes can attend IF their coach agrees to allow them to attend* Athletes will not be approached directly to attend* Session will be set in advance for outdoors with an alternative set for indoors if weather is inclement* Athletes will pay for own access to Meadowbank* Lead coach will be Brian Winning; however others are welcome to attend and work with their athletes* Sessions will be held on the Sundays that do not clash with Main Championships or Hurdling Scotland Sessions* Plan is to start in January - date to follow I would welcome feedback on this idea and I am happy to discuss this with coaches and athletes.Brian WinningHurdling Scotland – Admincoachbri@hotmail.co.ukhttp://sites.google.com/site/hurdlingscotland/


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