Endurance Weekend 11/9/2015

EAC has nearly 25 seniors going to national 10k road champs on Sunday.For those not competing , Saturday is on 1000 hrs. Session on grass .“ Effort” trophy from last weeks winner Pete Simpson is up for grabsLooking back over results for the 10K  on Central's website, unearths the following from EAC athletes . It picks out the best each year ..WomenJenny Mclean                    34.40Morgan Clarkson              35.38Laura dunn                         36.17Caroline toshack               39.36MenBryan  Mackie                    31.41Matt bell                             31.46Neil Thin                              33.00Mark Johnstone                 33.19Dan Clarkson                      33.23You’ve all put in the miles and effort. Turn this into a performance you can feel good about. Pace judgement, work hard at 6k and “ run through the line “Club vest must be worn in championship event. 


Brian Winning


Commonwealth Youth Games