Field Events Grand Prix
Scottish Athletics Field Events GP Series (Incorporating Hammerama) 2015Supporting Field Events in ScotlandScottish Athletics have issued the dates of the Field Events Grand Prix for the yearGP1 - Saturday 11/Sunday 12 April 2015GP2 - Saturday 6/Sunday 7 June 2015GP3 - Saturday 25/Sunday 26 July 2015GP Final - Saturday 5 Sunday 6 September 2015Venue - CRAIGSWOOD STADIUM LIVINGSTONentry form can be downloaded here:Scottish Athletics Field Events GP Seriestimetable of events can be downloaded here:Programme for GP Summer 2015SAVE MONEY BY PRE-ENTERINGPRE COMP ENTRIES: £5 PER EVENT.ON THE DAY £10 PER EVENT.SERIES ENTRY: £16 PER EVENT (SERIES ENTRY FEES WILL BE COLLECTED AT THE FIRST GP MEETINGENTRIES CLOSE 1 WEEK PRIOR TO EACH EVENTPrizes will be awarded throughout the age groups. Details to be announced later