FV League, Presidents Select
JSB Plumbing Forth Valley LeaguePresidents Select Match Saturday 5th September.Held at Pitreavie on a cold day with a strong headwind.This was the final match in the Forth Valley series, and is an invitation event with teams from Division I, Division II and a Presidents Select team.The first 3 in each event are presented with medals.As the match coincided with the Young Athletes Final in Birmingham, a number of athletes were not available.Listed below are the performances of the Edinburgh AC athletes:Under 11 GirlsAmy Armstrong, (800m, 4th, 3:03.18)Rachel Ferguson,( HJ, 1st, 1.15m)Natalie Robbins, (100m, 1st, 16.03),(200m, 1st 31.19), (Shot, 1st, 6.19m)Ella Watt, 100m, 5th, 16.52Kelly Wigham, (100m, 3rd, 16.52), (HJ, 3rd, 1.10m)Under 15 GirlsCaitlin Gray, 800m, 1st, 2:38.27Under 11 BoysBrandon Archibald, (200m, 3rd, 34.21)Michael Dennis, (100m, 3rd, 15.69),(200m, 2nd, 33.30)Vinnie Froude, (LJ, 6th, 2.49m)Cal McLennan, (HJ, 6th, 1.00m)Jamie Underwood, (HJ, 3rd, 1.20m)Under 13 BoysStraun Graven, (HJ, 2nd, 1.25m)Jacob Hunter, (HJ, 4th, 1.20m)Under 15 BoysChris Kelly, (HJ, 1st, 1.60m)Andrew Louden, (TJ, 4th, 9.38m), (Discus, 1st, 18.61m)Officiating at this match were, Elsie Morris, Jim Redmond, George Sinclair, Pat Sinclair and Bill Walker.Thanks to all officials and parents for assisting in making this a successful and enjoyable season.(Derek Cogle, Eric Fisher, Yvonne Jones)Full results can be found at:http://www.jsbplumbing-forthvalley.fsnet.co.uk/2009/2009_season_results.htm