Glasgow Jaguars
You may have seen reports on the club website and on the scottishathleticswebsite of EAC athletes, competing for Glasgow Jaguars. For manyyears female athletes in EAC enjoyed the pathway that the UK Womens AthleticLeague offered to our Senior and U20 women. This has now beenreplaced by the National Athletic League, which is a joint leagueso both our male and female athletes can register and make themselves availablefor selection as athletes is Scotland can have 2 first claim clubs. After ahugely successful season in 2023, where the team finished in 5th place the 2024season will offer high level competition with 3 fixtures againstthe top UK clubs.
Saturday 1st June Eton, Sunday 11th July Woodford Green, Saturday 3rdAugust, Birmingham.
Edinburgh AC are well represented on the Jaguars committee with Anne Scottand Keith Ridley involved in team management, Brian Nisbet in organising traveland Moira Nisbet in organising officials.
Accommodation andflights are booked by Jaguars and although the team is sponsored byGlasgow Life there may be a small cost to athletes.
Edinburgh AC will pay the annual subscription for any athlete selected but athletes are required to pay the one off registration fee of £20. Athletes, who are selected will receive free competition kit and hopefully a T shirt, zipper top and rain jacket. If you want more details do not hesitate to contact
Moira Maguire
Below is a link to the Jaguars membership form for both athletes andany coaches, who may wish to join as an associate member.
I have attached the rankings for 2023 and club records to give you an ideaof the standards.