Helpers Required for the East District
Further to the post on the East District Championships to be held at Meadowbank - parents we are calling on you again to assist at the event for the 6 hour stint you signed up for via the parent's code of conduct. We are looking in particular for an admin team for the event - if you can help please let Pat know asap if you have not done so already - we will keep you right. Others can help out on the track or field - we will not put you in anything you would not feel comfortable doing. The club is run entirely by volunteers so Your club needs you! The parents group are also looking for home baking once again to sell on both Fri night and Sat day time. Weather permitting we will also be selling ice cream and hot dogs on the Fri night. Any items for the our raffle/tombola would also be greatly appreciated to help raise funds. Parents if anyone is interested at helping out at the club in what ever capacity coaching/officiating/fundraising/sponsorship etc - we are holding a 2nd meeting tomorrow night at 7.15 in the athletes room to which you are all welcome.Yvonne m_and_y_jones