Highland Games - HELPERS NEEDED
Highland Games Peffermill, Saturday 30th June.. .. HELPERS NEEDEDIt is a low key highland games for novices and a fund raiser for the Club plus a free lunchThe events are:Short hammer, throw Tug war… pick up rope, take strain and pull.. best of 3, Caber, Sprint*100 m. Starter and recorders. Short trail race**3K.. recorders and steward, Long jump… sort them out, safety point , best of three jumps.. scoring and Events measured. I try to team folk up , for example experienced with beginners. This is year 5 I think.There are two managers.. one from club and one from Activity Mix, so it really is help with setting up and managing that event station.Set up 0830 hrs for start at 1000 hrs. FREE Lunch . Finish about 1500 hrsI plan to get helpers together for briefing and a little rehearsal of events this year.All kit provided.Let me knowAlex MacEwen Alex.McEwan@westlothian.gov.uk