Highland Games Volunteers

Volunteers required for the Highland Games Fund raiser. Saturday 13th Aug.The HIGHLAND GAMES  have been good for club funds, esprit de corps and demonstrates yet again the qualities of athletics.The highland games fund raiser is at Edinburgh University grounds at Peffermill , Liddell Centre , Saturday 13 th august 1100-1600 hrs this year.Participants are novices looking for a safe, fun , athletic challenge. There is the  odd ringer but mainly keen recreational sporty folk organised in small mixed teams of 12 .We do a little demo/instruction , do the safety thing, and measure best performances in the following events:sprint on grass tracklong jump or broad jump3.5k trail runcabertug warirish short handle hammerWorking in little teams  our "experienced" ?  people will chum " novices"Free lunch provided.Let me know if you can help even to manage the trail run just after lunch.I will send detailed programme, event notes  and provide on the day briefing/rehearsal .I might even do some events at Thursday Meadows training!Alex McEwan


Lothians Open Graded
