Hurdling Scotland
The proposed detail for the winter sessions and dates can be downloaded here: Hurdling Scotland 2012-13Again we are grateful to Scottish Athletics for their continued support; the sessions will again be free to athletes.Changes are detailed regarding the U14 athletes;following comments and experience over the last 5 years, it is intended that a local session arranged by Regional managers will be delivered, this will be specifically aimed at that age group... details to follow SOON... if interested in helping to host OR deliver these sessions contact me.The planned session sheets will be published on the Hurdling Scotland website, and circulated to attending coaches.Please also remember if videoing sessions; you MUST complete forms at Pitreavie Reception So recap; Sessions at Pitreavie... 1-4pm Sunday afternoons (dates on sheet) ... U16 and above... FREE :-) Finally all the best for the winter and see you all either at sessions OR on track... or at IFAC in October.Brian Winning