Indoor Closing Dates

  Under 15/17/20 Scottish Indoor Championships  -  Entries Close This WeekendThere is still time to enter the Bank of Scotland National Age Group Championships and National Relay Championships at Kelvin Hall on the 5 & 6 March as the closing date is this Friday for telephone and postal entries or 20 February for on-line entries. Bank of Scotland U17/U20 National Championships is on Saturday 5 March.  Click here for more information or to enter on-line Sunday 6 March sees the Bank of Scotland U15 National Championships, National Relay Championships (Sen/U20) and U13 Open.  Click here for more information or to enter on-line. Edinburgh Indoor Open Graded Meeting  -  Sunday 27 February, MeadowbankA reminder that entries for the Edinburgh Open Graded meeting close on 19th February. Open to all athletes from 9 years old upwards. Entries must be on an official Indoor Open Graded Meeting form and be accompanied by the correct entry fee of £2.50 for 1 event with each additional event at £2 per event. Entries close 19th February and late entries or on the day entries are £4 per event. Track events will be seeded according to performance, not age group, and all athletes entered in a track event will get 2 races in each for the one payment.Sprint Hurdles: age groups may be combined in the case of low entries and/or seeding but appropriate hurdle specifications for each age group will be used.Declarations will close 30 minutes prior to the programmed start time with declarations closing at 1.30pm. Full details, timetable and entry form on  More helpers are required for the above, no qualifications necessary! The meeting starts at 12 noon and finishes about 3.30. Names to Pat Sinclair 0131 3391713 or


Cross Country Grand Prix - Final Results


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