Indoor League Final
Only "6" teams are in the final in each age group (ie 6 athletes per event) and there are medals for the first 3 teams. We have 1 x u13/u15/17 female and 2 x u15/17 males in the final so a good result.The relay is a separate event with heats followed by a final at the end of the day (and medals!). We have entered 1x u11, 2 X u13 girls teams and 1 X u15/17 female and male teams.The team bus leaves Meadowbank at 10:00 sharp with a further pick up at PC world on the main road outside fabios restaurant at 10:15. The bus costs £5. We are leaving earlier as there are relay heats starting at 12.00 for those selected for that event. Please note due to medal ceremony we will be later home for the final hopefully we will leave by 6.30!If you are making your own way there is a charge of £2 for athletes to compete to be handed in on the day.The relays start with U11 girls first so please be there for 11.00 am. If you are just in the relay (and not on the bus) please come early to support your team mates. It would be good if we could sit together as a team. It is a rolling programme so girls then boys teams taking part for the relay so it is difficult to predict the start time of these as we don't know how many teams have entered from all the clubs who have competed in the league both in the morning and afternoon. Anyone not sure about arrival time let me know.I attach a timetable for the SAIL relays and final please note:field events start at 12.30! Please make sure arrive at least an hour before your event if you are not on the bus. As there are only 6 athletes competing in each event the timetable may end up ahead).Timetable SAIL finalEntry will be by programme £3.00 with proceeds going to charity (the same charity as last year which was started following the passing away of Brian Winning an EAC coach) SAMh. The league have asked clubs to encourage all parents and spectators to buy a programme.Remember - the clocks go forward and its Mother's Day. Lets do this EAC!Yvonne Jones