Lindsays Trophy Winner

Edinburgh AC are first winners of the Lindsays Cross Country Trophy.This is for the club with the highest number of finishers at the National XC last February. Edinburgh had 84 finishers just ahead of Giffnock and Central. So a worthy achievement and a reflection of coaches and team managers.Scottish athletics and Lindsays  have arranged for the trophy to be  presented to EAC byEilish McColgan on TUESDAY 22ND SEPTEMBER at 1830 hours at Meadowbank.Please get your squads there .. strength in depth and Club KitUse email, track side chat, EAC website, twitter and face book to get the troops out before training. It’s a great opp too for us to start thinking about this winters xc campaign .. fixtures attached for Senior Squadwinter fixtures 2015-16 


Endurance Weekend 18/9/2015


Gold for Edinburgh Women