Martin Ferguson - Male Athletes Representation on EAC Executive

Hello fellow Edinburgh Athletic Club members.Following on from Susan McKelvie’s article regarding Susan being your female athlete rep at the club executive committee meetings, l am your male rep.I am currently British over 45 Marathon Champion, former Scottish over 45 Cross-country Champion, Elgin Marathon winner 2009 and men’s club captain. I have been in the club since 1979 when l was 14. Some folk change clubs more than they change buses, l have been in the club so long that it has changed names four times! Edinburgh Athletic Club, ESPC, City of Edinburgh and now back to EAC!If there is anything you would like to see discussed at the club’s executive meetings please get in touch; my E-Mail address is:- example, last year there were a number of the long distance running athletes had mentioned that they would like the club name on the front of the vests, like we used to. This was discussed at the meeting and it was agreed that if the endurance side of the club thought it was good because when running a race people who don't know you can shout "Come on Edinburgh" - we all know how a bit of encouragement helps us in a race. The race could be in Scotland, Britain or anywhere else in the world as Edinburgh is a great club and a well known city! Alex McEwan took up the matter and the result is that vests with the club name can now be ordered through Garry Robertson, although they are a little bit more expensive (see website). Matters like this or anything else that you feel needs to be raised, please get in touch.The Executive Committee do a canon of work for the club behind the scenes and are good hard working people. Our club website must be one of the best in Britain and keeps everybody in and around Scotland and beyond, updated with what's going on in the club. Thanks to our great web team of Martin Little, Derek Cogle, Graeme Brown, Keith Ridley, Brian Nisbet, and Garry Robertson, apologies if l have missed anyone out.Our next executive meeting is on Monday, April 4th so if you have anything you would like me to raise, please get in touch. Kind RegardsMartin Ferguson


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