McDonald Handicap 2017
Kick Start your Cross Country season with this annual favourite.....Saturday 7th October 5K £1.00 entry declare at 1000hrs green café pavilion at Meadows with first away at 1030 hrs Club members can win the historic McDonald trophy. It dates back to 1938. Guests can run too.Names with predicted time to Peter Simpson
2017 Results
Mcdonald handicap Trophy 5K meadows : finishing order ( scratch times in brackets)
David McLean 22:06 (22:06) Winner of trophy
Lauren Wilson 22:18 (17:48)Nick Wolverston 22:18 (17:48)Shauna Moran 22:39 (19:09) guestLewis Renton 22:49 (18:19)Andy Latham 22:51 (18:21)Caitlin Cole 22:55 (19:25)Dan Rivera 22:55 (19:25)Myles Bax 22:57 (16:27) guest and fastest timeMike Barton 22:57 (19:27)Isla Scott-Pearce 22:59 (19:59)Nikki Gibson 23:01 (19:31)Max Carcus 23:06 (19:36)Dave Clements 23:13 (19:43)Cath Ferry 23:15 (20:15)John Blair 23:21 (17:51)Jim Scott 23:23 (20:53) guestKaren Dobbie 23:28 (20:58)Richard Clarke 23:34 (21:04)Tom Ireland 23:43 (17:13)Colin Sills 23:44 (20:44)Beth Till 23:52 (20:52) guestIain Craven 23:52 (18:22)Eric Stevenson 24:05 (22:35)Ally Love 24:05 (21:35) guestMy thanks to handicapper Pete Simpson and recording crew led by Garry Robertson. Thanks to all stewards assembles by Lyndsay Fraser And lastly thank s to catering crew led by Richard Clark.Alex