Medals at the East XC Relays

Well done to our Medal Winners and all our competitors at the East District Cross-Country Relays in Galashiels.
Thanks to Neil Renton for the photos

Young Females, 2nd Joanna Hirst (U13) 10.44, Orlaith Shepherd (U15) 10.19, Katie Johnson (U17) 10.21

Veteran Females, 1st Janet Dunbar, Hazel McCormick and Jacqui Rainger ,

Veteran Females, 3rd Sue Ridley, Karen Dobbie and Isobel Joiner.

Veteran Men , 3rd Paul Forbes (60) 17.42, Lewis Orr (50) 17.04, Michael Fullerton (50) 16.47, Stuart Johnston(40) 15.23


Club Rankings 2021


Awards for Katie, Josh and Alistair