Missing Trophy

Can you could help locate missing trophy?Teviotdale used to hold open races in the local park in Hawick every November.The last time they were held was 17th November 1990. Edinburgh AC won the Senior Men's trophy that day (trophy name GEORGE HOWDEN SCOTT TROPHY). The trophy was never returned to Teviotdale which means it must be lying in a cupboard or loft of one of the older members of Edinburgh AC.    That day the winning team was K Mortimer, G Philip & J Elphinstone.The normal procedure would be for a committee member to collect the trophy and return it the following year.Several names appear on the list signing for different trophies and it is possible the trophy is still with one of them.They are as follows: Adam Ward, Drew Sharkey, Kevin Daley,Gordon Crawford & Jimmy Mitchell.I know that Jimmy died but Moira Reid has in the past said that she had been in contact with Jimmy's family to see if they could locate the trophy but we never heard back from her.We are keen to recover this trophy as it was presented to the club by the sons of a former member in memory of their father.If you can help at all I would be very grateful.If you need to phone me my mobile number is 07931488023.Alan Reid


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