National Athletic League

There was an excellent result for Glasgow Jaguars in the Grand Final of the National Athletic League, where they finished runners up in the Plate Final, losing out to City of Sheffield by 14.5 points. This result gave them a 12th place finish in the league and secures their Premiership status for next season. Full results are on Open Track and there is a link to photos on the scottishathletics website with a full report on the match. 

Edinburgh Athletic Club athletes, officials, coaches, administrators and team managers have made a huge contribution to the team’s success and they would like to thank the club for their support in allowing them to access this higher level competition opportunity.

BrianNisbethas coordinated travel and Moira Nisbet has organisedofficials for the matches and we owe a huge debt of gratitude to them.Edinburgh Athletic Club had 4 officials, selected for Birmingham, a huge honourfor the club and they have also given their support to the team thisyear.  Thanks to Moira, Brian, Alastair Aitchisonand Marc Ritichie.   Moira Maguire, Mike andSandy Forrest, and Martin Rowe  were other club officials totravel to the matches.

Themen’s team manager was Keith Ridley and Anne Scott gavesupport on the women’s side while John Scotts contributionas a jump’s coach was much appreciated by the athletes.

AniseMcAuley Orr was2nd in the B 800 and contributed to the 2nd place finishof the 4x400 team with a strong run. First leg runner was EmilyCraig, Scottish Champion last weekend over 400MH, and a 3rdplace finisher in the A 400MH.  Carolyn Cameron finished3rd in the B 1500 and on a busy afternoon won the B 3000. LaurenStoddart won the A S/chase, contributing valuable points. Abusy and successful weekend in Aberdeen for sprinter Stacey Downie hadtaken the “zip” out of her legs but her contribution to the team with a gutsy400M was appreciated.  Sam McNeil’s run of PB’s came toan end but he was a scorer in both the mens s/chase and 3000 with every pointcrucial, while Ewan Purves, carrying an injury ran a brave 800M.

Anise McAuley Orr was 2nd in the B 800 and contributed to the 2nd place finish of the 4x400 team with a strong run. First leg runner was Emily Craig, Scottish Champion last weekend over 400MH, and a 3rd place finisher in the A 400MH.  Carolyn Cameron finished 3rd in the B 1500 and on a busy afternoon won the B 3000. Lauren Stoddart won the A S/chase, contributing valuable points. A busy and successful weekend in Aberdeen for sprinter Stacey Downie had taken the “zip” out of her legs but her contribution to the team with a gutsy 400M was appreciated.  Sam McNeil’s run of PB’s came to an end but he was a scorer in both the mens s/chase and 3000 with every point crucial, while Ewan Purves, carrying an injury ran a brave 800M.

Cameron Forbes, who had won the U20 international in Swansea for Scotland placed 3rd in the A High Jump. Kate Harvie’s win in the B High jump contributed further valuable points and there was also a 4th place in the A Triple jump for Kate.

Hopefully next season will offer the opportunity for more EAC U20s and Seniors to compete at this level in the Premier Division of the National Athletics League.

Moira Maguire

Photos Gordon Innes


Scottish vests for Dylan and Pippa


Scottish Title for Allan