National Athletics League
NationalAthletics League, Eton
Glasgow Jaguars had an excellent start to their 2023 campaign with a 4th placefinish.
EAC athletes, coaches and officials were heavily involved and thanks to Anne Scott,assistant women's Team Manager, KeithRidley Men's Team Manager, Brian Nisbet, who made all the travelarrangements and officiated,Moira Nisbetand Alistair Aitchison,who officiated and JohnScott, coach.
Itwas success and frustration as the match was abandoned, with some field events andthe S/chase and relays still to be completed. Lauren Stoddartgained valuable points in the 400MH but did not get her run in the S/chase. Bera Ajala,who had travelled for the Triple Jump likewise had his event cancelled.
Ina strong field in the 400M hurdles BradleyFrancis finished in 4th place with a big PB of 53.91, whileGavin Cooney another athlete, making his debut, smashed his PB with 1.54.37
In a competitive 800M. Max Leslie 49.07 wasnot far off his best in a high class 400M field and Anise Maccauleyfinished strongly for a 5th place finish in the 800M. Carolyn Cameron built on the progress she made last year with encouraging runs inboth the 3000 and 1500.
Itis much appreciated that the trustees are supporting EAC athletes on thispathway, which gives them exposure to a Higher level of competition, not alwaysavailable in Scotland and any athlete in the club, who thinks they might beinterested in being involved should contact
Fullresults can be viewed on OpenTrack Premiership 1B and the link to photos fromthe match is
A full match report will appear on the scottishathletics website.
Photos Gordon Innes
Thenext match is on July 15th at Ashton Lane, Woodford.