National Short Course XC

Well done to all our athletes who competed at the Lindsays National Short Course cross country

photo Bobby Gavin

U15 Boys
 3rd Team

Patrick Barnes 11th
Dylan Daunt 12th
Laurence Ward 22nd

U15 Girls
Dashka MacDonald  11th
Megan McKay 14th 
Kate MacPhail 43rd

U17 Women
Katie Johnson 7th
Anise Macauly Orr 11th

photo Laura Kyle

Senior Women
3rd Team
Beth Ansell 13th
Pippa Carcas (U20)  20th
Lauren Stoddart 24th
Janet Dunbar (W50)  51st

Janet Dunbar 1st W50

Mhairi Ferguson 59th
Elaine Eadie 61st
Allie McGowan 73rd
Carolyn Cameron 75th
Jennifer MacLean (W40) 77th
Morven MacAllister 94th
Maria Boland 110th
Sarah Scott 111th
Karen Dobbie (W50) 119th
Isobel Joiner (W40) 123rd
Laura Kyle 166th
Verity Powell 178th
Sinead Gallagher 201st
Sheila MacAllister (W60) 209th

Senior Men
10th Team

Jake Wightman14th
Iain Whitaker 65th
Sam Brown 84th
Leon Johnson (M40) 88th

Paul Forbes 2nd M60
Eric Stevenson 3
rd M70

Stuart Johnston (M40) 93rd
Myles Bax 111th
Iain Macdonald 127th
Sam MacNeil 141st
Max Meres 145th
Ollie Duffy 175th
Thomas Leeman 193rd
Matthew Davies 201st
Paul Butler 213th
Kevin Hamilton 219th
Paul Forbes (M60) 244th
John Hancock 248th
John Mowbray 250th
Owain Williams 258th
Andrew Latham (M50) 264th
Gavin Phillip (M50) 268th
Lewis Orr (M50) 285th
Dave Clements (M50) 288th
David  Cross (M50) 304th
Iain Craven (M40) 318th
Chris Creegan (M60) 337th
Eric Stevenson (M70) 407th
Alex  MacEwen  (M60) 420th

full results can be viewed here:

More photos taken by Bobby Gavin can be viewed in our Gallery Page.


Eloise Selected for Scotland


National Cross Country Championships