The race was dominated by Edinburgh’s second finest endurance club (Hunters Bog Trotters) with many a brown shirt getting a magic band at the top from captain Fergie .EAC had more helpers and officials out at this EAC event than runners. In fact I don’t think we had a single athlete out at this club event. I guess all are saving themselves for the Sunday road race at Scottish Gas HQ and track meet. There were a few from the training groups running under carnethy red and gold , HELP red or Ferranti gold.Our thanks to all on registration desk, timekeeping , recording, prizegiving as well a s the brave stewards who tried to direct runners onto the safe line back into this lovely holiday town .Excellent chips and pipe band at the end.Murray Strain clear winner was well clear of welsh CG steeplechaser Don Naylor.Results soon. Decent photos of last night's race at