North Berwick Law Race 1st August 2018

North Berwick Law Race 1st August 2018

Photo from last century 1981 perhaps courtesy of a previous winner Ian MorrisonThis traditional local hill race is organised by EAC in conjunction with the local athletic development Officer. An out and back course of less than 5k ,starts with a steady road climb through the town and Lodge park to the foot of the Law, then a steep climb up the LAW where great views and back down to  a massive crowd lining the run in back to the RNLI .Traditional in that it is entry on the night at the RNLI ( donations welcome in boathouse). Many years ago the race was free but we charge a few pounds to club runners and unattached runners .Come changed. Registration opens 1800 hours at RNLI. Race starts at 1930 hours  and last finisher is about 2015 hrs. Park wisely and not on the course .After prizegiving enjoy fish and chips or ice cream from the local sponsor shops. Holiday makers welcome. Youngsters must be chummed by parents!Technical detail on the excellent 


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