Owain Bristow
With deep regret we have to report the feared death of former club member Owain Bristow.
OwainBristow, the head of biology at Robert Gordon's College in Aberdeen, wentmissing on Friday 21 August. Owain is believed to have fallen whileclimbing, from sea cliffs in Aberdeenshire.
Emergencyservices had received a report of a man falling into the water near the Bullersof Buchan beauty spot. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-north-east-orkney-shetland-53889446?fbclid=IwAR2zl8_UtmjbYQopvecBTRVpvUAk8ukuV75ENgMIyOwkLUak0pxRWzJzezE
Owain was a regular at the Saughton endurance track session when he was in Edinburgh and represented EAC with distinction in many championship events.
Owain was our Cross Country Grand Prix Champion in season 2010/11 and was also selected to represent the East District at cross country.
He was a great team player and contributed with help, advice and support for other runners. Quiet and easy going, his love of puns would keep those who knew him, smiling.
Whenhe moved to Aberdeen he was able to focus on his passion for the hills and forclimbing.
Avery sad loss.