Pilates classes starting 17th January

Specially put together for runners, cyclists and triathletes, these focussed Pilates classes allow you to improve your balance, co-ordination, flexibility and core strength - all vital components of fitness for sports people.Small classes ensure personal attention at all times, with focus on great technique to give you the most benefit from each individual move.Use the benefit of my extensive experience as a Pilates Instructor, competitive runner and cyclist, plus much more to gain the info and knowledge you need to reduce your injury risk and improve the efficiency of your athletic movements.Classes are held at Portobello Pilates, Baileyfield Road by Jenny MacLean with good bike parking, ample on street car parking & easy access to bus routes.Booking is essential for this eight week block for £48. Classes Mondays 8:15-9:15pm from 17th January to 7th March.Contact me today on jenny@energywisefitness.co.uk or call on 07775 621465 to book your space...


Indoor League


Junior Athletes (U11-U15) New Members