Pilates to improve your posture and core strength

Pilates Classes at The Healthy Life CentrePilatesPilates is brilliant for improving your posture and boosting your core strength to allow you to run taller and stronger. Whatever your ability level and experience at Pilates, there's a class to suit you. Advance booking is essential. Experienced and enthusiastic teacher with small class size to give you the best possible individual attention and progression.Timetable:Monday 12:30pm-1:15pm – Express (45min) – 7 weeks from 6th May 2013, £42Monday 7:15pm-8:15pm – Beginners – 7 weeks from 6th May 2013, £56 (IDEAL WAY TO GET STARTED)Monday 8:20pm-9:20pm – Runners/Cyclists/Triathletes – 7 weeks from 6th May 2013, £56 (CLASS FULL!)Wednesday 12:30pm-1:15pm – Express (45min) – 8 weeks from 1st May 2013, £48Thursday 5:45pm-6:45pm – Intermediates – 8 weeks from 2nd May 2013, £64 (PERFECT FOR A PRE-MEADOWS SESSION BOOSTER!)Friday 10:15am-11:15am – Intermediates – 8 weeks from 3rd May 2013, £64All classes held within The Healthy Life Centre on Bread Street.Don't miss out - phone or email NOW to book your space and for more information. Contact Jenny MacLean on 07775 621465 or jenny@energywisefitness.co.ukNO classes 27th - 31st May. Over 16s only.


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