Road Race Grand Prix Update

Update from Richard:After the first ten races of EAC’s inaugural Road Race Grand Prix it’s great to see so many athletes scoring points.In the men’s race, 4 athletes have already completed four out of their five qualifying races and the top three reflects this. However, as more athletes compete and score points the closer the race will get across the age categories.The best thing is that PBs being are still being smashed left right and centre and we still haven’t moved into May!Not quite so many women have recorded points, but it’s great to see more and more competing in qualifying races and producing some great individual performances. Hopefully this will inspire more to take part.Here are the top of the tables as of 19.04.15:

Position Athlete Num of Events Total
1 Bryan Mackie 4 554
2 Nicholas Wolverson 4 467
3 Andrew Latham 4 419
4 Chris Creegan 4 390
5 Owain Williams 3 340
6 Malcolm Parry 3 299
7 Iain Craven 3 294
8 Stuart Johnston 2 266
9 Adam Rouse 2 262
10 David Cross 3 262
V40 Andrew Latham 4 419
V50 Chris Creegan 4 390
V60 Eric Stevenson 4 254

Full table and results etc. can be viewed here:19_04_15 EAC Road Race Championship (Male) (19th April 2015)Women – Top 5

Position Athlete Num of Events Total
1 Karen Dobbie 3 255
2 Nikki Gibson 2 201
3 Gillian Palmer 2 197
4 Lyndsay Fraser 2 178
5 Ann Peat 2 150
V40 Karen Dobbie 3 255
V50 Sharyn Ramage 2 143

Full table and results etc. can be viewed here:19_04_15 EAC Road Race Championship (Female) (19th April 2015)The Upcoming Races in the Championship are:

  • 26th April – London Marathon (Long)
  • 29th April – Scottish 5k Road Championships – Silverknowes (short)
  • 9th May – Loch Leven Half marathon (Long)
  • 25th May – EMF 5k (Short) 10k (Medium) Half (Long) Marathon (Long)
  • 3rd June – CAAC 5Mile (Short)
  • 6th June – Haddington 10k (Medium)
  • 1st July – Brig Bash 5Mile (Short)
  • 18th July – Musselburgh 10k (Medium)

For further details on the Road Race Grand Prix click here ( questions or queries then please email Richard at richardmeade13@hotmail.comCheersRichard


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